
Bedford Town Center
(c) Jeff Hoyland. Used with permission


As citizens of Bedford, we ARE the government. How can we ensure more people participate in our democracy, and have all the tools and information they need to do so?

Past accomplishments:

  • Changes in Town Meeting procedures: presentations and other materials available in advance, use of handheld cards instead of voice votes to ensure all can participate
  • Establishment of public comment period for all Select Board meetings
  • Livestreaming and online posting of board and committee meetings (thanks to Bedford TV), resulting in a significant increase in public participation in Town government
  • Adoption of handbooks for the Select Board and Boards & Committees, outlining the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for current and future members and residents
  • Continuing improvements to the Town website, including posting of additional meeting materials for the public
  • Grant-funded Town-wide accessibility audit, to ensure our public spaces and procedures are available and equitable to all

Future opportunities:

  • Explore opportunities for continued virtual/hybrid meetings to support greater public input and participation
  • Implement recommendations from accessibility audit, with the assistance of the Disability Commission
  • Continued website updates to improve searchability and user experience
  • Investigate needs and opportunities to provide services in other languages, based on information from the 2020 Census



As residents of Bedford, we have a stake in where we make our homes, where we shop and eat, and how we get around town. How do we ensure our town is a place that meets all our needs?

Past accomplishments:

  • Establishment of Bedford’s Cultural District, to celebrate and promote local arts and culture
  • Increased default percentage of green energy sources through Community Choice Aggregation to 20%, which provides a cost savings from prior years, with an option to opt-up to 100% green energy
  • Grant-funded placemaking improvements in public spaces, including Adirondack chairs and picnic tables at the Marketplace and on the Town Common
  • Encouraged and approved outdoor dining permits for local restaurants, to support local businesses and promote health and safety during the pandemic
  • Continued improvements and additions to Town sidewalks and support of Safe Routes to Schools

Future opportunities:

  • Support the development of a new fire station, to maintain the high level of service Bedford expects while offering better facilities for our staff and equipment
  • Continue to support the Energy and Sustainability Committee to develop and implement Bedford’s Net Zero plan, including the possibility of hiring a Sustainability Director to coordinate efforts
  • Encourage more public art and community events with the support of the Cultural Council and the Cultural District Working Group
  • Explore and implement traffic calming measures along busy roadways to promote safe travel by foot, bike, or car



As neighbors in Bedford, we show hospitality to one another every day. How do we welcome and include each other, recognizing and accommodating the different needs of different people?

Past accomplishments:

  • Name change from “Selectmen” to “Select Board” approved by Town Meeting and affirmed at the 2020 Town Election
  • Awarded Racial Equity and Municipal Action Plan (REMAP) grant, one of only six communities in Massachusetts
  • Establishment of the Disability Commission, under the direction of the Town Manager
  • Active recruitment of new board and committee members, especially those who have not served before, led by the Volunteer Coordinating Committee
  • Successful passage by Town Meeting establishing Indigenous Peoples’ Day on the second Monday in October
  • Free menstrual products provided in bathrooms of Town buildings

Future opportunities:

  • Implement recommendations from the REMAP plan, expected in 2022 and beyond
  • Continued recruitment and onboarding of new volunteers to ensure our committees reflect all demographics in Town
  • Explore ways to celebrate Pride Month in Bedford
  • Implement recommendations from accessibility audit, including possibilities for accessible playground features and more recreational opportunities for children and families with disabilities